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Gypsy's Travels

Thursday, August 27, 2009

From the Memory Box - "Musical Noses"

"Somewhere there is a tape of [the three youngest children] playing 'Jingle Bells' with their noses."

Many families are overflowing with musical talent. When we were first married, I envisioned evenings around the piano, singing our hearts out, but no one can play well enough for that. I bought a player piano and that worked for special occasions.

I am not familiar with this tape or, perhaps, I have chosen to forget it. I can certainly believe that they played "Jingle Bells", and probably a few other things, on their noses. Maybe I can find that tape and copy it for their children.


  1. Couldn't they sing "Pine Hills?"

  2. Where's the fun in that Uncle Dan? I believe my brother was left in charge of us and we were trying to amuse ourselves with something other than a cutthroat game of Monopoly.

    We were interesting kids to say the least!

  3. Dad and Uncle Dan had a good time amusing themselves by singing "Pine Hills"!

  4. Actually "Pine Hills" came from our Dad, he couldn't carry a tune in a bucket.

  5. Thanks Guillermo -- but I bet you can't play the nose flute even half as well as my sisters...


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