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Gypsy's Travels

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Perseid Meteor Showers

Every August the Perseid meteor showers are supposed to provide an unforgettable show for those of us that are earthbound. I wonder if the astronauts get a view? This year the peak time was supposed to be after 11 p.m. on Sunday night. As I have for so many years, I went outside at the appointed time and gazed into the heavens until my neck hurt and I became dizzy. I might have seen a couple of small meteors out of the corner of my eye, but I can't be sure. It might just have been flashers from straining my neck.

One year, DH, all 4 children, several grandchildren, and I went out and lay down on the driveway. There was a lot of giggling, teasing, laughing, and hilarity, but not one meteor. One by one, we all gave up and returned to our indoor world. I wonder why we can't see these meteor showers. Are we too impatient? Are we not looking in the right place? Do we give up too easily? I have read that peripheral vision gives the best view. Should we be looking at something else and the meteors will pass by just to the side of our viewing field?

I don't know the answers. I have seen two bright meteors in my lifetime; both were brief and unexpected. They were so dramatic that I frequently replay the experiences in my mind's eye just for the enjoyment of remembering the events. I will probably not give up the quest to see the meteor showers. I wonder if it will be a lesson in patience.

1 comment:

  1. I don't remember that, but that's nothing new. When was it?


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