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Gypsy's Travels

Monday, April 28, 2008

Odd Shot Monday - "Locks & Lovers"

This statue on the Via Ponte in Florence, Italy, is surrounded by a wrought iron fence.

Tradition says that lovers who put a padlock on the fence and toss the key into the river, will be together always. Apparently the number of padlocks became such a problem that the tradition was outlawed.

That law has not stopped committed Italian lovers .

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  1. Now, I would have to say outlawing putting locks on a railing is very odd!!

    My odd shots... is located at

  2. I guess the locks make it look junky? It's a neat story tho and truely an odd shot. Mine is up MY BLOG

  3. That's a very odd tradition and story to go along with your pic.

    Mine's up too.

  4. Certainly Odd, Great for this theme.

  5. That is an interesting shot. I don't remember that statue and custom from when I lived in Florence--but it's been a very long time. We had funny/unique signs as a theme for Photo Hunt last wee, this could have done duty for that one, too.

  6. I have never seen this done before. It must be strong for people to do it. Nice photos too.


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