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Gypsy's Travels

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I spent most of the day yesterday writing. It was so much fun!

I started by teaching, actually it is more like facilitating, the 4th class in Beginning Memoir writing. Only two more to go this term. Every "student" in the class has such interesting stories to share and everyone listens attentively. We write about our experiences growing up and marvel at the changes we have seen.

The afternoon was spent with another group of writers, women who have been writing together for four years or better. One would think we would have said all we had to say, but there is still more. Again, we write of our life's experiences and spark each other's memories to produce more. We laugh, talk, share, write, then go out to our various homes to face our days with renewed energy.It is rather like lifting a layer of dust and allowing the shine to come through.

I hope you are writing your stories/ memoirs / journal for future generations. I guess a blog could be considered a form of memoir writing, so you have a good beginning if you are blogging. Remember, you are living in "the good 'ole days" and your children and grandchildren will want to know about these days.

Happy writing!


  1. You were sure up early this morning.

  2. She's up early most mornings, isn't she? When here she was up hours before we were and had the computer humming.

  3. I can't imagine that I do anything that anyone would find exciting in the future. I better work on that!

  4. LOL ABW. I could write pages on L.

  5. How wonderful that you share your passion for writing with others! It's great that you have a group to write with. I hosted an online writing group for a while, but it never flourished. Your day sounds lovely.


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