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Gypsy's Travels

Monday, May 19, 2008

Odd Shot Monday - "Multitude of Motorcycles"

Not only are there a multitude of motorcycles, there is an odd little car in the middle.
Taken in Florence, Italy.
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  1. That's a fascinating shot! I see the BMW with a roof, as well as the little 3-wheel van. Wonderful!

  2. Great shot! So many things of interest there. I wonder if they were having a convention or something or if there are just lots of bike riders there.

  3. I'll take the car...if I could :)

  4. When I enlarged the photo, the "car" just looked like a "covered" motorcycle. . . is there such a thing? It is definitely the odd one out!

  5. Oh I'm glad I didn't come across that! I would've been tempted to see if they all tip over if you tip the first one. Like in the movies!! It's such a great shot!

  6. We saw the oddest little motorcycle/car last week and tried to chase it down for a picture. It caught all the green lights, though.

  7. There's a lot of murdercycles there.

  8. Terrific shot... that center vehicle could be the police impound wagon for bad gnomes!

  9. what a great shot and a different kinds of motorcycles

  10. Odd little car in the middle....great odd shot!


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