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Gypsy's Travels

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Writing Retreat

I am off to a memoir writing retreat this morning.
Our group of 5-8 women has been writing together for about 5 years now. Surprisingly few have dropped out and those were for serious reasons. We lead very busy lives, so not everyone meets every time, but our meetings have a certain priority. I think it is because we not only produce some amazing stories, we also have a whole lot of fun and have developed the high level of trust necessary for true participation. In our 2-3 hours of writing, we share an intensity born of a common desire to put our life stories on paper and honed by a baring of emotions. We shed tears, laugh (a LOT), remember the past (with love and horror), and experience a whole range of emotions which meld to produce a cathartic afternoon. Now we are trying, for the first time, an entire two days.
Of course, such intensity has to be broken up so we have some fun things in mind. Writing our stories will remain the focus, but we will probably lubricate our memories with a glass or two of wine, long walks, and introspection in a pastoral setting.
I have packed a pen, paper, and chicken salad to share for lunch, along with all my regular overnight gear.
Until I return, the blog is on autopilot.....

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