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Gypsy's Travels

Friday, September 28, 2007

Coffee, Chocolate, and Conjecture

Every day it seems someone comes up with new information that they have gleaned from studies. I drink tea and I am lactose-intolerant so I view recent reports with a wary eye. Of course, if we wait a while, someone will come up with what we want to hear. Now, however, I am going to get a handful of chocolate-covered coffee beans for a midday snack!

"New study ties coffee drinking of 5 cups daily to heart disease"

"Coffee not only helps clear the mind and perk up the energy, it also provides more healthful antioxidants than any other food or beverage in the American diet, according to a study released Sunday. Of course, too much coffee can make people jittery and even raise cholesterol levels, so food experts stress moderation. "

Study says coffee delivers more health benefits than fruit and vegetables."

Dark chocolate -- not white chocolate -- lowers high blood pressure. Our findings indicate that milk may interfere with the absorption of antioxidants from chocolate "


  1. Just make sure you buy them at Starbucks.

  2. Oh the chocolate covered ones at the amish store were excellent. I wish we still had some.

  3. I'm not a coffee participator but do love "See's" dark chocolate.

  4. Oh I remember Grandma always sent Mom the big box of See's candies. She tried to ration those...

  5. Ha! How true that we can find studies to back up our particular addictions. I happen to LOVE coffee and chocolate and tea.....they haven't killed me yet!


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